Edward San George, MPA, PCAM – Ed is the President and Owner of INTEGRA Management Corp. located in Mt. Arlington, NJ. INTEGRA is the preeminent common interest realty management company serving all of New Jersey for 40 years.
Edward San George, MPA, PCAM – Ed is the President and Owner of INTEGRA Management Corp. located in Mt. Arlington, NJ. INTEGRA is the preeminent common interest realty management company serving all of New Jersey for 40 years.
INTEGRA employs more than 45 professionals providing common interest realty association management services to communities with a portfolio comprising over 15,000 units. Ed regularly serves as a consultant to developers and his company serves as the property and community management resource to national and regional developers.
Ed is a long standing and active member of the Community Associations Institute (CAI) and is a past president of the NJ Chapter and currently serves as the Vice Chair of the NJ Legislative Action Committee. He is a regular lecturer and panelist and has received numerous awards for his service, including recent recognitions of the Jerome M. Fein Distinguished Service Award for NJ and the CAI National Award of Excellence in Government and Public Affairs. He is a member of the NJ Builders Association. For CAI National he serves on the Task Force for Building Structural Integrity and Safety and the Task for Reserve Study Standards. For Rutgers CRE he has been a long-standing member of the Advisory Board, serves on the Scholarship Committee, has a named scholarship, and is now serving on the Executive Committee. He co-teaches the Property Management and Real Estate Investment Management course in Newark. His firm has hired several Rutgers interns and has converted many to fulltime placements in the firm.
Ed has a BS degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University and a Masters in Public Administration (MPA) from Fairleigh Dickinson University, graduating with honors. He has attained CAI’s highest educational designation, the Professional Community Association Manager (PCAM). His company is one of only 15 in New Jersey to possess and maintain the CAI Accredited Association Management Company (AAMC) designation.