As a rising senior, I will be taking more Real Estate classes in order to get my concentration.
I’m a senior studying Finance and earning a concentration in Real Estate. I was introduced to the Rutgers Real Estate Center when I met Kevin Riordan at a club fair during my sophomore year.
After meeting Kevin, I joined the Rutgers Real Estate Club. The club was a wonderful way to explore my interest in Real Estate. The club would always bring in extremely helpful and knowledgeable professionals from all walks of the industry. It was in the events hosted by the organization that I knew I wanted to study Real Estate and make a career out of it. I went ahead and interned my sophomore summer at Nest Seekers International, a popular international real estate brokerage firm in New York city.
Through my junior year, I have taken Real Estate Finance and Real Estate Law. I genuinely enjoyed my classes and learned a lot about the industry from my professors whom I greatly enjoyed. Professor Frame for Finance and Professors Tanzman and Mann for Law were incredibly helpful and kind. They definitely went out of their way to help out students with any questions about the class or general Real Estate career questions. As a rising senior, I will be taking more Real Estate classes in order to get my concentration. The Real Estate Center has been incredibly helpful in answering any questions and was responsible for making my interest in Real Estate into a passion.