These courses, I have to say, have opened my mind and I have obtained an incredible amount of information and knowledge.
I’m from the Dominican Republic. Currently, I’m a senior at Rutgers Business School and of all the interesting fields available I decided to study finance with a concentration in real estate. There have been amazing and interesting courses at Rutgers that have expanded my knowledge about the fields I chose to study. Some of them are Real Estate Finance, Fixed Income, Real Estate Law, Investments, and Corporate Finance to name a few. These courses, I have to say, have opened my mind and I have obtained an incredible amount of information and knowledge. For instance, I learned in Real Estate Finance that if a property owner borrows money at a rate that is higher than the equity yield rate, negative leverage exists. I also learned that property held as a personal residence cannot be depreciated. I even learned that you can have a building full of tenants and you still can have a huge loss on the property, something I never thought possible. Also, Real Estate Law taught me that owning properties is a huge responsibility. You must be willing to accept the responsibilities that come with it. You must follow many laws associated with owning a property. My involvement in many clubs at Rutgers such as The National Society of Leadership and Success, Rutgers Finance Society, and Braven had helped me to be more open and to share ideas from people from different backgrounds. The result has made me a better student and a better individual.