Rutgers Center for Real Estate Blog

Next Engine of NJ's Growth?

Why not all economic activities are created equal Real estate is a powerful locomotive of economic development, providing shelter for a myriad of specific industry sectors and activities whose...

Balance Sheet Checkup!

Healed and healthy net worth, but signs of rising inequality The most recent update on household balance sheets shows net worth hovering near all-time highs as a percent of disposable income. The...

What can the World Teach Us?

International comparisons of mortgage markets, part III In previous posts we examined the fundamentals of why finance in general, and mortgages in particular, matter so much for our economy and real...

NYSE Conference Replay

Where the economy lives: Insights from the recent housing conference Last week Rutgers’ Center for Real Estate held a conference at the New York Stock Exchange on the outlook for housing that was...

Learning, with a slice of life

Thoughts (and pizza) from a new Center for Real Estate instructor I finished my third course where I was an instructor in Real Estate Development as part of Rutgers University’s Graduate School of...

Bad Sign for the Road Ahead?

Maybe. Or maybe not. The financial press and the policy makers at the Fed that set interest rates have been watching the yield curve flatten over the past year with a wary eye. When long-term rates...

It’s a wonderful mortgage!

Comparing U.S. home mortgage markets, historically and globally Many of our Rutgers Real Estate blog posts focus on problems in our economy and the real estate markets. We propose fixes to the...